Transmission failure rarely happens out of the blue - there’s a good chance a transmission will give you a good amount of warning before kicking the bucket. Here are some things you can watch out for, from Haigler Auto Services in Montgomery, AL.
Obviously, your brakes are pretty important. At Haigler Auto Services in Montgomery, AL, we are here to make sure your car, truck, or SUV stops as it should. Your brake system is made of many components that all have to work correctly for your brakes to operate seamlessly. If one thing needs to be repaired, the whole system is compromised. Brake pads, rotors, hoses, calipers, and metal lines all play a part in stopping your car. Our team is equipped to make sure all of those parts are in working order, so you can be safe on the road ahead.
Buying a used vehicle can be a risky endeavor, but also a rewarding one. Buying used, even if the vehicle is close to new, will save you a lot of money compared to the price of a new vehicle off the lot. However, there are some inherent risks that come with purchasing a used vehicle; here is how to best avoid trouble.
At Haigler Auto Services in Montgomery, AL, we like to offer a little insight from time to time. Here are some quick tips to unlocking the secret of keeping a transmission going strong.
At Haigler Auto Services in Montgomery, AL, we’ve witnessed our fair share of burnt out and broken clutches. While clutch failure is an inevitability, there are a variety of ways to make sure yours lasts as long as possible.
At Haigler Auto Services in Montgomery, AL, we understand the intricacy and complexity of your transmission. That’s why we always treat it with the same attention to detail as the engineers that designed it, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive.
Here are 10 steps to keep your car up and running from our team here at Haigler Auto Services! Whether you choose to do the maintenance yourself or take your car to see our professional service technicians, the non-profit Car Care Council recommends 10 basic maintenance procedures to keep your vehicle running its best.
There is a reason we check your brake fluid when you come in for a service check. Maintenance pays big dividends and we want to avoid high repair costs for our Montgomery drivers. Did you know that brake service isn't just all about the brake pads, drums & rotors? That we have found low brake fluid to be the cause of a large percentage of brake issues here at Haigler Auto Services? Seriously, brake fluid is an important part of your braking system and with your service intervals being less frequent on the newer vehicles 5,000-10,000 more miles this has become an issue! Why?...
4287 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery, AL
(334) 272-2025
MON-THU | 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
FRIDAY | 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
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